The last few weeks have turned out to be a complete blur. I have been running from one appointment to another, whether it is for work or for my children. We have all heard the expression to take time to smell the roses. Well I am definitely going to work on that cliché more in my life.
Life is so short to try and move things forward so quickly. Imagine if you planned out each day of your future, do you have room for spontaneity? If a scheduled event cancels and you need to reschedule it, do you have room for it on your calendar? I am an advocate for assigning goals, so here is my plan to share with you:
1. One day during the work week, have no appointments scheduled for that day.
2. One weekend a month block off from the world to just have time for the family. This may include declining on invitations but it will help with balancing your life.
I don’t want to look back one day and notice life has passed by in a flash. I want to live life to its fullest, laugh each day and love my family and friends. That is my recipe for life – everything else will fall into place.
Let me know how you manage everyday life?
Life is so short to try and move things forward so quickly. Imagine if you planned out each day of your future, do you have room for spontaneity? If a scheduled event cancels and you need to reschedule it, do you have room for it on your calendar? I am an advocate for assigning goals, so here is my plan to share with you:
1. One day during the work week, have no appointments scheduled for that day.
2. One weekend a month block off from the world to just have time for the family. This may include declining on invitations but it will help with balancing your life.
I don’t want to look back one day and notice life has passed by in a flash. I want to live life to its fullest, laugh each day and love my family and friends. That is my recipe for life – everything else will fall into place.
Let me know how you manage everyday life?